Friday, January 31, 2014

February 2014 Reading List

It's that time to set my reading goals for the month and I'm super excited because I successfully completed my January goals. Go me!

I read: 

The Color Purple
The Cutting Season
The Chaperone (Loved it!)

and Re-read: 

The Lies of Lock Lamora (Loved it, obviously.)

I wasn't super thrilled with the rest of my list. The Cutting Season was pretty good but the others were just not my favorite. If you haven't already, check out the reviews if you want to know more of  what I think. 

Now, on to the lovely month of February. The month of Valentine's day and loooooove. I thought about doing a theme for this month but quickly threw that out. I love love and all but didn't want to get burned out and become one of those Valentine's Day haters. They annoy me. Celebrate love! Buy a treat for your dog if you don't have a beau. I promise, your dog (or any other animal) will give you some love.

Or just buy a big ole box of chocolates for yourself. I'm sure you'd appreciate it.
I digress. Here's the list for this month! I was planning on only putting one "real book" on this list but I just have to read these two ASAP so I'm changing the rules. I'll probably do more than 5 ebooks in the future as well since I finished my January list about half way through the month but I wanted to make sure that wasn't just a fluke. Not all of the real books will necessarily be from my official goodreads TBR but the ebooks will be. Here goes:  

Real Books


After Wednesday's post, you know why this is at the top of my list. It will be my first time re-reading this book and I don't remember a lot about it (other than loving it) so I'm really looking forward to it!

Red Seas Under Red Skies 

Continuing the series in order to get to #3. Love Locke!


No idea where most of these came from but I know they sound familiar and ended up on my TBR somehow.


237209The Good Father

In the Woods


The Innocents

The Last Little Blue Envelope
This is the sequel to a random book I picked up years ago. I think I rated the first one 4/5 and was pleasantly surprised with it. Just want to see where the story goes. 


The Leftovers

Have you read any of these and what are you reading in February? 

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